PROCHESTA is a Non-political, non-profitable and Non-Government Voluntary Development Organization formed with the initiatives of a few committed and dedicated social workers and philanthropists. PROCHESTA established on June 08, 1994 with an aim to promoting human and socio-economical development for the under privileged people living in rural area. To achieve these goals, we organize the rural people who are living under poverty-line. We are committed to improve their lives and livelihood so that they can get better life as well as access to the mainstream of the Society. To do this view, this organization initiated by some like-minded development patrons, for the un-liftmen of the socio- economic condition of rural & urban communities as well as dissemination of information about development.
The philosophy of the organization is based on the conviction the paramount need of the men, women. Children both urban and rural is not relief but release from the prison of poverty, Its main focus is to promote the socio-economic conditions of the under-privileged, landless and economically poor people especially women through Organization, Education, Training, Participation and joint activities. PROCHESTA runs its major activities in Sylhet Division.
Formulate strategic plan:
PROCHESTA has formulated strategic plan for the period of 2013-2018. This year was contemplated change for the organization. These beneficiaries, community members, local government representatives, GOB extension officers, journalists and staff members contributed with the process formulation of strategic plan. The Strategic Plan consists establishes the Strategic Framework comprising Vision, Mission and Values includes the analytical basis from external and internal PROCHESTA wants to implement to successfully implement the programmatic strategies.
In the phase PROCHESTA has restructured its organogram first according to Haor and non-haor areas. The next level of differentiation in haor areas would be function-oriented like Education, Disaster Management and Health, Environment, Income Generation and VGD. In case of non-haor areas, the next differentiation is according to Tea Garden and Non-Tea garden Areas which again will differentiate the next level according to functions like Education, Disaster/Health, Income and Skill Training. PROCHESTA will provide admin and accounts services as technical backstopping to other branch offices. The organogram will include M&E, Research and Training positions.