The area of operations of Prochesta inhabits tea garden, Khasia community and dalits. The tradition of Prochesta’s work and its credibility with the ethnic communities puts it in a favorable position to work for them.


Goal: Prochesta is ‘An aide to ethnic communities in their effort to materialize their livelihood maintaining their culture and tradition’.



  1. Advocate for quality primary education including ECD
  2. Advocate for ensuring access to land family health services in the hilly areas
  3. Advocate for the protection of land rights Khasis community is traditionally enjoying
  4. Support to ethnic organizations (Youth) to demand GoB services (capacity building, actions)



Primary education

  1. Advocate for quality primary education from GoB in the hilly areas
  2. Continue with ECD incl. bi-lingual system in Khasia communities
  3. Seek GoB support for pre-school in hilly areas.
  4. Undertake social accountability approach (community mobilization and activism) to more teachers/adiabatic teachers and materials for primary school.


WATSAN and Public Health

  1. Introduce water pumping/distribution/conservation technology with private sector initiative (community institution)
  2. Seek support Public Health social accountability (community mobilization and activism) Dalit)


Advocacy for legal rights

  1. Legal assistance in case of need
  2. Advocate for rehabilitation in case of eviction
  3. Continue with conflict resolution system (adibashi-mainstream) at local level